Brie McLemore

Brie McLemore, MPP/MA

Science and Technology Studies | Urban Studies | Policing | Sociology of Law |


About Brie McLemore


I am a Ph.D. candidate in Jurisprudence and Social Policy with a designated emphasis in Science and Technology Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. I have a Masters in Public Policy/Master of Arts in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies from Brandeis University and a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and Gender Studies from New College of Florida.


My research investigates the adoption and integration of technology in urban spaces, with a specific focus on smart street lights. My dissertation seeks to explore why cities adopt specific technologies, how cities grapple with questions concerning accountability and transparency, and how technology is utilized by law enforcement, even when this is not their intended use. Further, my work explores what the adoption of technology means for privacy in the urban landscape, particularly for vulnerable populations. My theoretical framework is informed by Black Feminist Surveillance Studies, Science and Technology Studies, and Feminist Jurisprudence. I grew up outside of Tampa, Florida, and in my free time, I enjoy fencing, surfing, making ceramics, and watching reality television with my dog Pickles.




 Contact me!

Twitter: @brie_mclemore